Usually, taxation of incomes directly depends on tax residence, and a person can be recognized as a tax resident in several countries at the same time. The taxation of property or business under special tax regimes, usually, does not depend on the recognition of a person as a tax resident.
Below is a list of the most relevant objects of taxation. Tap the category you are interested in.
If you do not yet know in which country (countries) you are a tax resident, you can start your search by evaluating the criteria for tax residency in the country that is relevant to you, and find out the taxation procedure in this country based on the source of your income or the location of your property.
Tap below the jurisdiction you are interested in.
Be informed that the content only in Russian language is available so far.
In many countries, there are currency restrictions for the citizens regarding the opening and use of foreign accounts by foreign currency residents, as well as transactions with currency non-residents. Here you will find information that allows you to determine whether you are (whether you will be, based on your future relocation plans) a currency resident and in which country. As well as information on reporting requirements if you have accounts abroad. What currency transactions are allowed and which ones are prohibited.